HRC Design Process
Health Records Communication Application
Overview Task
There is a gap in the care delivery process and how healthcare are utilizing their databases today. Many patients are having trouble accessing their information after signing up when visiting multiple physicians. This deters them from scheduling time with their doctors and getting their checkup. How can we create an application that enhances the care delivery process and enables/further the relationship between healthcare providers and patients?
Performed all project roles from research to development and delivery of the final product.
How to make an application to centralize the healthcare database by utilizing the EHR system.
Technologies used
Figma and Maze
How does centralized data improve the healthcare industry today?
Centralized data systems allow information to exist inside one mainframe but remain accessible from numerous points. The content gets collected, stored and managed in one place, but centralization does not impact the ability of an authorized user to access the content from anywhere in the world. Electronic Health Records (EHR) can transform and revolutionize the healthcare industry today.
How are EHRs key to improving the coordination between healthcare providers and patients?
Not only are there exciting opportunities to permit rich data collection and longitudinal analysis of patients, but there is a way to increase coordination between patient care and patient-oriented research activities. EHRs can be used to automate prescreening and, in turn, can significantly improve recruitment efficiency and reduce costs by excluding up to 90% of ineligible patients who do not merit further review.
(Cited from Thadani, SR, Weng, C Bigger, JT and others. Electronic screening improves efficiency in clinical trial recruitment. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2009;16:869–73).
Can Centralized Data in Health Care Increase Efficiency?
An expanding health care system that uses decentralized data can put a strain on the IT professionals who help those facilities run. However Fortis Healthcare Limited has more than 40 facilities, each self-managing their IT. They’ve decided to centralize its IT support structure, now more than 7,000 employees can get help from a single IT portal. They’re able to Increase efficiency by centralizing support, making it easier to meet fluctuating needs among different facilities.
(Cited from IBM’s case-studies).
So how can we improve and translate value in healthcare systems with the help of information technology today?
Research and survey findings
After conducting user research and interviews, I’ve gathered 27 responses to understand the target user’s pain points, motivation and goals.
The important findings that will impact the future design includes:
1. Receiving your test results in the same application is preferable to users.
2. Most people fill out their insurance information at least once when they register with a new provider.
3. Patient information is readily available to the doctor which decreases patient wait time.
The survey results reaffirms the original task of which to create an easy-to-use application targeting a service to utilize the electronic health records system. The features added to the application will help both patients and doctors alike to make use of their time more effectively and efficiently.
UX Competitive Analysis
FollowMyHealth and MyChart app seems to be the closest approach and checks off most of the requirements I had in mind for my application. MyChart app also is seen to have multiple variants, if not collaborated with several health institutions - using their brands as they used the app’s functionalities and UI.
In the end, I’ve divided up and categorized the design features into four sections: efficiency of use, user engagement, security, and reminders/notifications:
Efficiency of use should allow the user to go through the application with ease and would be able to locate what they’re looking for such as billing information, appointments, medications, vaccination, etc.
User engagement should allow users to find value in the application. It can be measured by booking an appointment, paying your bills, and/or asking the representative a question through the application.
Security is important as the user will use sensitive information to verify their identity and input their credit card information in the application.
Reminders and notifications are there for users who tend to forget to pay their bills or take their medication. The reminders are there too when you have an upcoming doctor’s appointment.
From research findings to design solutions
Design requirements
User wants to schedule an appointment with my doctor
User wants to see test results
User wants to ask any medical or customer-related questions
User wants to see my health records, medicine and immunization records
User wants to see Billing records/summary and Amount Due
User wants to see Insurance information
User wants to see personal information and account information
User wants to link their accounts with other facilities
User wants to share their health records with other doctors and specialists
Site Map of the application
Wireframe mock ups
Usability testing
I set up three simple tasks for each user testing performed:
Sign up and go through the registration process
Link your account after completing the registration process
Check your linked accounts after linking your account
Utilizing Maze for usability testing - out of 5 users, the results indicated that there was a 80% of misclicks on the homepage screen for the first task and a 25% of misclicks on finding the linked account under the linked account tabs for the second task.
Iterative Design
Adding weight to the “Create an account” liner decreased the misclicks by 15% and rewording the task for finding the added linked account under the linked account tab decreased the misclick rate by 6%